
Wondering what a word means? We've got that covered too.

We try to keep the jargon to zero but there are words that you will need to know the meaning of. Did you know the word "mortgage" means "death pledge" in Old French?! Spooky. Anyway use below to find words that you may not understand the meaning of. We got you.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Unsecured Debt

An Unsecured Debt is a debt that has no asset attached to it. Unlike a mortgage, for example, which has a property attached to it and is ‘secured’. Examples of Unsecured Debt include Credit Cards, Store Cards, Overdrafts, Personal Loans, Payday Loans and other Consumer Credit Act Unsecured Debt.  Never stress about Unsecured Debt, we got you covered

In a state of panic?

You're not the first and you won't be the last to panic about debt. Your mind starts thinking all sorts. "Will I lose my house?" "Will a bailiff turn up at my door?" When managing your finances your mind should be calm. We have an article for you that will help you calm your mind first and then you can see how easy it is to understand your situation and solve it.

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Budget planner.

Do you know how much you have left at the end of each month? Do you need to send an income and expenditure to a creditor? We've got you covered. Our budget planner provides you with a simple and free way to view and track your spending.

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Speak to us.

It's good to talk! Debt can seem like a lonely place, it doesn't have to be. Join our community to interact directly with The Real Debt Guy team and other members like you. Debt is not something that you have to suffer alone. We got you.

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